Last weekend, Wilco hosted students from Intonation, a band-based music education program, for a soundcheck visit at The Chicago Theatre. The students toured the stage, learning from guitar techs Matthew “Matrix” MacNamara and Zach Nagy and drum tech Ashwin Deepankar about the band’s set-up and each of their roles in the success of a concert. From there, LD Jeremy Roth gave them an overview of the show’s set and lighting design, from conception to technical execution.
Wilco has partnered with Intonation for years now, ranging from a 10-week band mentorship residency with bassist John Stirratt to a percussion clinic with Glenn Kotche to private concerts by Jeff Tweedy raising over $100,000.
If you’re in Chicago, check out Intonation’s All-Stars bands headlining their own concert at Promontory in Hyde Park next Saturday, March 11th at 12:00pm.