Airline to Heaven
There's an airline plane Flies to Heaven every day
Past them pearly gates If you want to ride this
train Have your ticket in your hand Before it is too
late. If the world looks wrong And your money's
spent and gone And your friend has turned away
You can get away to Heaven On this aeroplane
Just bow your head and pray.
Them's got ears let them hear Them's got eyes let
them see Turn Your Eyes to the Lord of the skies
Take that airline Plane It will Take You Home again.
Yes, to your home behind the skies.
Well, a lot of people guess Some say no and some
say Yes Will it take some and leave some behind?
But you will surely know When to the airport go To
leave this world behind
Oh, a lot of speakers speak And a lot of preachers
preach When you lay their salary on the line But to
bow your head and pray Is the only earthly way
That you can fly to Heaven on time. That you can
reach Heaven on time.
Your ticket you obtain On this heavenly airline
plane You leave your sins behind You have got to
take this flight Might be daytime, might be night,
But you can't see your way if you're blind
Published by Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc. (BMI)/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing
Corp./Words-Ampersand Music (BMI)/You Want A Piece Of This Music (ASCAP),
administered by Bug Music
Words: Woody Guthrie 1939
Music: Jay Bennett/Jeff Tweedy 1997
Jay Bennett: 12-string acoustic slide guitars, backing vocals, shakers, saw, claps
John Stirratt: backing vocals, claps
Jeff Tweedy: vocal, acoustic guitar, Mellotrone, claps
My Flying Saucer
My flying saucer, where can you be Since that sad
night that you sailed away from me? My flying
saucer I pray this night You will sail back before
the day gets bright
My flying saucer fly back for home! You will get lost
in the universe alone! My flying saucer, end all my
fears Sail back tonight, love and kiss away my tears
Published by Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc. (BMI)/BMG Songs (ASCAP)
Words: Woody Guthrie 1950
Music: Billy Bragg 1995
Jay Bennett: electric guitars, baritone guitar, 12 string acoustic
Billy Bragg: acoustic guitar, vocals
Ken Coomer: tape box, tambourine
Mike Henry: backing vocal
John Stirratt: electric bass, Nashville guitar
Jeff Tweedy: cabassa
Feed of Man
If you beat up, you butcher, and you bleed a man
You bang up and badger and blood-let a man
And then I come along
On the feet of man
And halfway laugh and cry
About the meat of man
And I do what I can
To bale string and tie
Some ballad truths
Up and cured out
For the feed of man
Folks try to tell
That it's on God's orders
That you bleed your man
It's on God's good word that you
Bleed your man
On God's plan print
That you dead a man
Or spit and curse and whip your man
I say I'll help you squeeze and fix yourself up a
A new kind of God of some kind
One that tells you
Fertilize and multiply
One that tells you
Outsow and outblow
Outplant and outgrow
Outdo, and outrun, and outclimb, and outspread
Every other tree and bush
And brushy fruits and flower petals
Outfruit them all
For the feed of man
Outstalk and outhunt and outthink
For God's own sweet sake, outthink!
Outthink the fruits
Outgrow these animal kinds and shapes of man
It you miss and go down
Your dust will turn up on that long hot job
Once more again
To help in the feeding and the seed of man
And not in the bleeding and the end of man
Published by Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc.
(BMI)/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp./Words-Ampersand Music (BMI)
Words: Woody Guthrie (Date Unknown)
Music: Jeff Tweedy 1998
Jay Bennett: B3 organ, Leslie guitar
Billy Bragg: resonant guitar
Ken Coomer: drums
John Stirratt: bass
Jeff Tweedy: vocal, acoustic guitar, electric guitar
Hot Rod Hotel
I'm a porter and a night clerk at the old Hot Rod
Hotel I clean and scrub the lobby down and thirty
one rooms as well I wax and shine their boots and
shoes, I brush down their crinkly clothes I meet
the buses and trains and show you to your door
Bell bottom pants brought two boys in at six
fourteen last night Two girls checked in at ten
o’two I flipped on the light The lamrods wife
looks in their doors and finds one terrible sight
Those boys and girls got bawled up in their doors
and rooms last night
A bloody flood could never mess these rooms
up any worse It looked like Moe had used this
room to grease and breed a horse Old gum and
hairs and sticky rags, old bottles on the floors
Gobs of spit and condom rubbers on the windows,
walls, and doors
The lammy tried to make me clean out that crappy
mess Or else he'd fire me off my job and let me
starve to death I laid aside my polish rag and
downed my dusting pan And I've not seen the old
Hot Rod nor that old town since then
Published by Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc. (BMI)/BMG Songs (ASCAP)
Words: Woody Guthrie 1949
Music: Billy Bragg 1996
Jay Bennett: Farfisa organ, mandolin, electric guitar
Billy Bragg: acoustic guitar, vocals
Ken Coomer: drums
John Stirratt: electric bass
Jeff Tweedy: acoustic guitar
I Was Born
I was born at Half Past 12, Almost One in the
morning; I was born at Half Past One, almost Two
in the morning. Now my birthday comes again and
I don't know how old I am; Half past One or Two
or Three, almost 4 in the morning.
I was born at Half Past Four, almost 5 in the
morning; I was born at Half Past Six, almost 7 in
the morning; How old am I, you ask of me? One yr
younger than I used to be; Half Past 7, Half Past 8,
Half past Nine in the morning.
I was born at Half Past Nine, almost Ten in the
morning; I was born at 1/2 past Ten, almost ‘Leven
in the morning; Today my age is Tweedle and ‘twee
I’M prettier than I used to be; Half Past ‘Leven,
Half Past ‘Leven, almost 12 in the morning.
Published by Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc. (BMI)/BMG Songs (ASCAP)
Words: Woody Guthrie 1950
Music: Billy Bragg 1996
Billy Bragg: acoustic guitar
Natalie Merchant: vocal
Secret of the Sea
Who can guess the secret of the sea? Who can
guess the secret of the sea? If you can guess the
secret of my love for you We both could know the
secret of the sea
Tell me, could you ever tell the secret of the sea?
Of these high rolling waves along the shore? The
footprints of the lovers that come here to love, By
the tides washed away forever more
Who can guess the secret of the sea? Who can
guess the secret of the sea? If you can guess the
secret of my love for you We both could know the
secret of the sea
You claim to know the secret of a kiss and a hug
And the secret of the grass and of the trees And if
you can tell the secret of a warm friends hand
Then we all would feel the secrets of the sea
Who can guess the secret of the sea? Who can
guess the secret of the sea? If you can guess the
secret of my love for you We both could know the
secret of the sea
Published by Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc. (BMI)/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing
Corp./Words-Ampersand Music (BMI)/You Want A Piece Of This Music (ASCAP),
administered by Bug Music
Words: Woody Guthrie 1939
Music: Jay Bennett/Jeff Tweedy 1999
Jay Bennett: pianos, acoustic guitars, organ, tambourine, baritone guitar, slide
guitars, electric sitars, backing vocals, electric guitars
Ken Coomer: drums
John Stirratt: bass, backing vocal
Jeff Tweedy: vocal, 12-string acoutic guitar
Stetson Kennedy
I done spent my last three cents Mailing my letter
to the president I didn't make a show, I didn't
make a dent So I'm swinging over to this
independent gent Stetson Kennedy Writing his
name in
I can't win out to save my soul Long as Smathers-
Dupont’s got me in the hole Them war profit boys
are squawking and balking That's what's got me
out here walking and talking Knocking on doors
and windows Wake up and run down election
morning And scribble in Stetson Kennedy
I ain't the worlds best writer nor the worlds best
speller But when I believe in something I'm the
loudest yeller If we fix it so you can't make
money on a war We'll all forget what we’re killing
folks for We'll find us a peace job equal and free
Dump Smathers-Dupont in a salty sea Well, this
makes Stetson Kennedy the man for me
Published by Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc. (BMI)/BMG Songs (ASCAP)
Words: Woody Guthrie 1950
Music: Billy Bragg 1997
Jay Bennett: electric guitar and solo
Billy Bragg: acoustic guitar, vocal
Ken Coomer: drums
John Stirratt: bass
Remember the Mountain Bed
Do you still sing of the mountain bed we made of
limbs and leaves: Do you still sigh there near the
sky where the holly berry bleeds: You laughed as I
covered you over with leaves, face, breast, hips
and thighs, You smiled when I said the leaves
were just the color of your eyes.
Rosin smells and turpentine smells from
eucalyptus and pine Bitter tastes of twigs we
chewed where tangled woodvines twine Trees held
us in on all four sides so thick we could not see I
could not see any wrong in you, and you saw none
in me.
Your arm was brown against the ground, your
cheeks part of the sky, As your fingers played with
grassy moss, and limber you did lie: Your stomach
moved beneath your shirt and your knees were in
the air Your feet played games with mountain
roots as you lay thinking there.
Below us the trees grew clumps of trees, raised
families of trees, and they As proud as we tossed
their heads in the wind and flung good seeds
away: The sun was hot and the sun was bright
down in the valley below Where people starved
and hungry for life so empty come and go.
There in the shade and hid from the sun we freed
our minds and learned Our greatest reason for
being here, our bodies moved and burned There
on our mountain bed of leaves we learned life's
reason why The People laugh and love and dream,
they fight, they hate to die.
The smell of your hair I know is still there, if most
of our leaves are blown, Our words still ring in the
brush and the trees where singing seeds are sown
Your shape and form is dim, but plain, there on
our mountain bed I see my life was brightest
where you laughed and laid you head...
I learned the reason why man must work and how
to dream big dreams, To conquer time and space
and fight the rivers and the seas I stand here filled
with my emptiness now and look at city and land
And I know why farms and cities are built by hot,
warm, nervous hands.
I crossed many states just to stand here now, my
face all hot with tears, I crossed city, and valley,
desert, and stream, to bring my body here: My
history and future blaze bright in me and all my joy
and pain Go through my head on our mountain
bed where I smell your hair again.
All this day long I linger here and on in through
the night My greeds, desires, my cravings, hopes,
my dreams inside me fight: My loneliness healed,
my emptiness filled, I walk above all pain Back to
the breast of my woman and child to scatter my
seeds again.
Published by Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc. (BMI)/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing
Corp./Words-Ampersand Music (BMI)/You Want A Piece Of This Music (ASCAP),
administered by Bug Music
Words: Woody Guthrie 1944
Music: Jeff Tweedy/Jay Bennett 1999
Leroy Bach: piano
Jay Bennett: organ, nylon-string guitar, backing vocal
Ken Coomer: drums
John Stirratt: bass, backing vocal
Jeff Tweedy: vocal, 12-string acoustic guitar
Blood of the Lamb
Are your garments all spotless? Are they white as
the snow? Are you washed in the blood of the
lamb? Is your soul all spotless? Is it clean as the
snow? Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?
I am washed, yes I'm washed I am washed in the
blood I'm all washed in the blood of the lamb I'm
all clean I'm all spotless I'm all pure like the snows
I'm all washed in the blood of the lamb
Have you laid down your burdens? Have you
found peace and rest? Are you washed in the
blood of the lamb? I've laid down all my troubles
I've found peace and rest I'm all washed in the
blood of the lamb
Have you learnt to love your neighbors? Of all
colors, creeds and kinds? Are you washed in the
blood of the lamb? I've learnt to love my peoples
Of all colors, creeds and kinds I'm all washed in
the blood of the lamb
I am washed, yes I'm washed I am washed in the
blood I'm all washed in the blood of the lamb I'm
all clean I'm all spotless I'm all pure like the snows
I'm all washed in the blood of the lamb
Published by Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc. (BMI)/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing
Corp./Words-Ampersand Music (BMI)/You Want A Piece Of This Music (ASCAP),
administered by Bug Music
Words: Woody Guthrie 1955
Music: Jay Bennett/Jeff Tweedy 1997
Jay Bennett: Farfisa, Leslie piano, B3, backing vocal
Ken Coomer: drums
John Stirratt: upright bass
Jeff Tweedy: vocal, acoustic guitar, slide baritone guitar
Billy Bragg: acoustic guitar
Aginst Th' Law
It's aginst th’ law to walk, It’s aginst th’ law to talk
It's aginst th’ law to loaf, It’s aginst th’ law to work
It's aginst th’ law to read, It’s aginst th’ law to write
It's aginst th’ law to be a black or brown of white.
Ever’thing's aginst th’ law
I'm a low pay daddy singing th’ high price blues
It's aginst th’ law to eat, It’s aginst th’ law to drink
It's aginst th’ law to worry, It’s aginst th’ law to
think It's aginst th’ law to marry or to try to settle
down It’s aginst th’ law to ramble like a bum from
town to town
Ever’thing's aginst th’ law
I'ma low pay daddy singin’ th’ high price blues
It's aginst th’ law to come, It’s aginst th’ law to go
It's aginst th’ law to ride, It’s aginst th’ law to roll
It's aginst th’ law to hug, It’s aginst th’ law to kiss
It's aginst th’ law to shoot, It’s aginst th’ law to
Ever’thing's aginst th’ law
I'ma low pay daddy singin’ th’ high price blues
It's aginst th’ law to gamble, It’s aginst th’ law to
roam It's aginst th’ law to organize or try to build a
home It’s aginst th’ law to sing, It's aginst th’ law
to dance It’s aginst th’ law to tell you th’ trouble on
my hands
Ever’thing in Winston Salem is aginst th’ law
I'ma low pay daddy singin’ the high price blues
Published by Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc. (BMI)/BMG Songs (ASCAP)
Words: Woody Guthrie 1947
Music: Billy Bragg 1995
Jay Bennett: banjo
Billy Bragg: electric guitar
Ken Coomer: drums
Bog Egan: resonator slide guitar
Corey Harris: acoustic guitar and vocal
John Stirratt: upright bass
Jeff Tweedy: bass
Jeff Tweedy: mandolin
All You Fascists
I'm gonna tell all you fascists you may be
surprised The people in this world are getting
organized You’re bound to lose, you fascists
bound to lose
Race hatred cannot stop us this one thing I know
Your poll tax and Jim Crow and greed have got to
go You're bound to lose, you fascists bound to lose
All of you fascists bound to lose You fascists
bound to lose All of you fascists bound to lose
You're bound to lose! You fascists! Bound to lose
People of every colour marching side by side
Marching ‘cross these fields where a million
fascists died You're bound to lose, you fascists
bound to lose
I'm going into this battle and take my union gun We’ll
end this world of slavery before this battle’s won
You're bound to lose, you fascists are bound to lose
Published by Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc. (BMI)/BMG Songs (ASCAP)
Words: Woody Guthrie 1942
Music: Billy Bragg 1997
Jay Bennett: slide guitar, harmonica
Billy Bragg: electric guitar, vocal
Ken Coomer: drums
John Stirratt: bass
Jeff Tweedy: electric guitar
Joe DiMaggio Done It Again
Joe Deemaggyo done it again! Joe Deemaggyo
done it again! Clackin’ that bat, Gone with the
wind! Joe Deemaggyo’s done it again.
Some folks thot Big Joe was done! Some jus
figgered Joe was gone! Steps to the platter with a
great big grin; Joe Deemaggyoe’s done it again!
I'ma gonna tele ya jist th’ way I feel; Man cain’t run
without his heel; Watch that raggypill split the
wind! Joe Deemaggyoe’s done it again!
All three fielders jumped their best; Tryin’ ta climb
that highboard fence; They all growed whiskers on
their chins! Joe Deemaggyoe’s done it again!
Up along them clouds where the eagle roams: Joe
cracked that ball to whine and moaann; His
buddies laugh as they trot on in, Joe
Deemaggyoe’s done it again!
Grandmaw's home by the radio On the telleyevizzion
awatchin’ Joe; She jerks the beard offa grandpaw's
chin; Joe Deemaggyoe’s done it again!
The puppydog barked at the pooseye kat; How
does it look from where you set? Looks like a
cyclone slidin’ in; Joe Deemaggyoe’s done it again!
Published by Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc. (BMI)/BMG Songs (ASCAP)
Words: Woody Guthrie 1949
Music: Billy Bragg 1995
Jay Bennett: banjo, acoustic guitar solos, backing vocal
Eliza Carthy: violin
Ken Coomer: percussion, backing vocal and holler
John Stirratt: double bass, backing vocal
Jeff Tweedy: acoustic guitar, lead vocal
Meanest Man
If the folks next door to me wasn’t so good I'd do
all the mean things anybody could I'd drink and I'd
gamble and I'd louse around I'd be the meanest
man in this whole town
If I hadn't seen the light in that old lady's eyes I'd
try to be a man you would hate and despise
I'd rave and I'd rant and I'd scream and yell And
I'd chase my neighbors from here to hell
If I hadn't heard those kids laugh playing games
I'd have nervous fits and I'd go insane I'd
turpentine cats and tin can dogs And I'd smother
people to death inside of holler logs
If the people around me wasn't so nice I'd freeze
my heart into a cake of ice I’d steal money from
soldiers and working folks too I'd lend you a dollar
and take back two
If my wife didn't kiss me the way she does I'd
carry four or five daggers and three or four guns
I'd shoot craps and ramble and hang out late And
I'd steal baby buggies and Cadillac Eights
If my friends didn't write me those letters I get I'd
get to be a dictator and be the worse one yet I'd be
the only smart bird and you'd all be fools And I’d
send you all away to war and I'd set home and rule
If it wasn't for them songs I hear all you all sing I'd
put a crown on my dome and I'd say I'm your king
I'd kidnap some and blackmail others I'd peddle
black market stuff and rob sisters and brothers
If it wasn’t for your talking I hear along the street I'd
be the oneriest man that you ever did meet I'd
preach the gospel of hate and I'd drink your blood
But I can't be this bad because my folks are too good
Published by Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc. (BMI)/BMG Songs (ASCAP)
Words: Woody Guthrie 1945
Music: Billy Bragg 1997
Jay Bennett: Hammond B3
Billy Bragg: resonator guitar, vocal
Ken Coomer: gas heater and kick drum, drums
John Stirratt: electric bass, baritone guitar
Jeff Tweedy: electric guitar
Black Wind Blowing
There’s a black wind blowing in the cotton
field, honey There's a black wind blowing in
the cotton field, baby There's a black wind
blowing in the cotton field And O’ how funny
it makes me feel Baby, sweet thing, darling
There's a long black cloud hanging in the
sky, honey There's a long black cloud
hanging in the sky, baby There's a long black
cloud hanging in the sky Weather's gonna
break and hells gonna fly Baby, sweet thing,
Cotton’s pretty thin yonder on the hill, honey
Cotton’s pretty thin yonder on the hill, baby
Cotton’s pretty thin yonder on the hill Won’t
clear a greenback dollar bill Baby, sweet
thing, darling
Work shade and back to the buzzard wing,
honey Work shade and back to the buzzard
wing, baby Work shade and back to the
buzzard wing Clouds are gonna bust and cry
down rain Baby, sweet thing darling
Published by Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc. (BMI)/BMG Songs (ASCAP)
Words: Woody Guthrie (Date Unknown)
Music: Billy Bragg 1997
Billy Bragg: resonator guitar, vocal
Someday Some Morning Sometime
Someday some morning sometime, sometime
I'd like to hold your hand in mine,
Someday, some morning, sometime
I'd like to tell you you're pretty and fine,
Your face will smile and your eyes will shine
Someday, some morning, sometime
I'll build you a house all covered in vines, I’ll
bring you a nickel, I'll bring you a dime,
Someday, some morning, sometime
Five six seven and eight oh nine I'll take you
down where the birds fly by Someday, some
morning, sometime.
Published by Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc. (BMI)/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp./Words-Ampersand Music (BMI)
Words: Woody Guthrie 1948
Music: Jeff Tweedy 2000
Jay Bennett: drums, upright bass, Delayaphone, bells
Jeff Tweedy: vocal, acoustic guitar, Wurlitzer