Voting On The #Wilcoinnature Summer Photo Contest Has Officially Ended.
Thank You All For Participating. Winners Will Be Contacted By Wilco HQ.
Fear not – the annual Wilco summer photo contest has returned. This year’s theme is “Wilco In Nature” and we’re asking you to submit your photos that, well, have something that says Wilco in nature. Inspiration comes in part from the vote the environment collaboration happening this summer.
ROUND 1: submit (July 2 – July 25)
– Snap a photo that is awesome… and includes:
1. Wilco
2. nature
3. why this image will remind you to vote the environment this November (or whenever that next election comes)
– Tweet your photo @wilco with the hashtags #wilcoinnature & #becauseilove. (tip #1: in order to show up in the hashtag chain , your twitter account must be public. tip #2: Don’t want to make yours public… create a new one)
ROUND 2: select (July 26 – 30)
– Wilco HQ will select 50 photos. HQ will be contacting you through twitter. If you don’t respond within 24 hours, you won’t make the cut… so be on the lookout .
ROUND 3: vote (July 31 – August 8) (July 31 – August 15th)
– 50 finalists’ photos featured on wilcoworld. Public vote determines winning photos.
Now for the prizes, boy do we have some stellar prizes for you guys this year.
Top vote getter: Jeff Tweedy Signature Model Martin Guitar
Second & third top vote getters: $100 Patagonia webshop card + vote the environment shirt.
4-8 runner ups: slick pair of Jeffersons (compliments of our friends at Native Shoes).
Full rules are HERE